Improving interpersonal skills always gives advantage over others. Work on our capabilities covers not only learning new things, but also realizing what capabilities and limitations we have as people. The ability to push the limits of our capabilities actually often defines the success in many aspects of live.
I conduct personal coaching as well as for the organizations. We can set the meeting for small groups, big ones for management board or employees, and individuals. In each case you will gain valuable knowledge and motivation based on the newest work techniques.
I will share my experience that I have gained for all the years of working with big projects in many companies, organizations, or structures. I offer mentoring meetings for individuals, directors, managers and management board, and also for teams doing important jobs in your company.
The meetings allow for extracting new potential, gaining new knowledge, and discovering new action schemes within ongoing projects or company management.
I support the position in developing an appropriate project management profile under a defined project, conducting interviews with selected candidates, determining the precise scope of responsibility and remuneration system. I also support internal recruitment processes in your organization, along with planning the development pathand careers for project managers, sponsors and product owners.
About me
My name is Karol Czapik and I am an Interim Project Manager, as well as an advisor and trainer in the field of management. Although I have over 10 years of experience in project management, my mind is not set in stone. This means that I do not follow clichés mechanically, I have a head open to new solutions, and it is not my nature to rest on my laurels